A lot of times a person biggest weakness is "soul power;" whether it comes from that weakness of getting a super size value meal, or devouring a tub of ice cream off pure boredom. You should never let food be your driving force, food is meant for sustainment not to be overly engulfed. Whenever food is consumed at high rates, and you aren't active at, that's when obesity is usually prevalent. I always wondered how a person could stop caring about there well being. I was at my son's basketball game yesterday and there was a guy in the stands that had to be pushing 500+ on the scale. All I could think about was how did it come to this. I understand that there are some medical problems that cause people to gain weight, but with a proper diet a healthy weight can be sustained.
As I look around while I'm out and about, I see why American is the fattest country in the world. Kids don't play outside anymore, and everything is fast this and fast that, as a society we have become lazy. No one sticks to there word, it's always later, tomorrow, or I'm gonna start Monday. Did you know that statistics show that 80% of people who start a diet on a Monday usually quit by week two? Stats also show that of you do anything for 21 days it becomes a habit. Imagine learning how to eat properly for 21 days straight, or working out 21 days straight, or taking a walk for 21 days straight. That would be a positive impact on your livelihood. All the weight you gained over time wasn't packed on over one bad meal, and it won't be lost in a weeks time of working out. Persistence is key, quit being mediocre, they say cleanliness is next Godliness, and weight loss is next to royalty. So promise yourself that today I'm going to do this for me, nothing is gonna stop me, be more do more, become a new you. #jurrasicfitness
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